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Our People Practices

"Travel is the biggest threat to prejudice"

Rebecca Fielding, Founder of The Conte Club

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Anti-Slavery Policy

Sustainability Pledges

About Us

Working with Conte

The Conte Club is proud to be a company that upholds ethical and sustainable principles as a founding feature of our work practice. 

From our partnerships with local agencies, suppliers and individuals across the globe, to the working practices we abide by in our own company culture and environment, the founding beliefs of equality, compassion, respect and understanding run as a common thread. 


We believe in providing equal opportunity and treatment to all individuals who choose to work with or for The Conte Club. From flexible working policies and progressive paternity/maternity allowances to our intolerance towards racism, sexism and discriminatory behaviour from our employees, partners and clients, we maintain that Conte stays true to its mission statement. 


As an industry that interacts with the diversity of global culture daily, we believe that compassion needs to remain at the centre of our world—having compassion for the destinations we send our clients to allows us to create a genuine narrative that speaks to the people, cultures and histories of each country without judgement, prejudice or discrimination. 


In similar ways to the principle of compassion, having respect reminds us that destinations have much to teach us about our social and cultural differences. Respecting a destination and its people means having a wider awareness of economical, political and environmental concerns and ensures we are not acting in poor taste or without compassion for the communities we engage with. 

Respect also means providing our clients with opportunities to have self awareness around their chosen travel means, including that of their sustainability impact, as well as providing ethical guidance in their choices. 

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